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WoW Manifesto

Posted on:January 2, 2024 at 12 min read

The ways of working (WoW) manifesto, also known as a working agreement, consists of a set of guidelines or behaviours that a team has agreed upon to define how they want to work together. This agreement is crucial for the team to collaborate effectively as it outlines the expectations for each team member. For example, it describes the Agile processes (standup, refinement, retrospective, etc.) or delivery guidelines (pull request review, code style, documentation, WIP limit, etc.).

Working Agreement

Why do we need the WoW manifesto?

In a collaborative environment, each individual has preferences in working and processes, which often don’t match up by default. This misalignment ultimately leads to poor performance since everyone has different expectations and processes.

The working agreement aims to agile the team collaboration and highlights the following benefits:

How do you create a working agreement?

The first step to creating a working agreement is to decide as a team what agreements they should include for the team to function. It is vital to include the whole team in the process to ensure everyone has the opportunity to share their thoughts and create a consensus.

Since every team is unique, there isn’t a single list that works for every team, but you can use the following list as a guideline:

Good Practices

Example of a working agreement

Agile Processes

As a team, we agree…


The standup is a daily meeting where the team shares updates about what they did yesterday, their plan to work today, and share blockers.

As a team, we agree…


The refinement session aims to prioritise, review and clarify the tickets in the backlog. During the session, the team prioritises the tickets, ordering them by priority (top high priority), ensuring everyone agrees with the definition of ready and estimates the effort to complete the ticket.

As a team, we agree…


The review session happens right before the ending the sprint. The goal is to present the product increment that is the outcome of the sprint goal. The team should also discuss the status of any pending work. After closing the sprint, it is essential to compare the team metrics, such as velocity and cycle time to the previous sprints to understand if there was any disruption.

As a team, we agree…


The planning session marks the start of a new sprint. During this meeting, the team agrees on what work the team should focus on during the next two weeks.

As a team, we agree…


The retrospective session is when the team reflects on the sprint performance. It is the time to celebrate the success (What we did well), the challenges (What we didn’t do well, and potential improvements (What we should start doing). The whole team must reflect on how they did in the sprint and look for opportunities to improve as a team.

As a team, we agree…

Definition of Done

The definition of done (DoD) is vital to ensure everyone is aligned with the requirements to complete a ticket and move it to the DONE column.

As a team, we agree…

Definition of Ready

The definition of ready is an agreement between the team that a ticket is ready to go from the backlog to the sprint. During the refinement session, the team reviews the tickets with high priority and refines them to ensure they are clear and have all the required information to be completed.

As a team, we agree…

Learning Time

Every team member is entitled to 10% of learning time per week. During this time, it is expected to work exclusively on personal growth. This work might include following a training course, preparing presentations, contributing to guild initiatives, learning more about the product, etc.

As a team, we agree…



We use Notion to keep track of the team’s documentation. The team’s main page should be clean and include only the main links to sub-topics (e.g. runbooks, team metrics, OKRs, Projects).

As a team, we agree…

Slack Manners

The primary tool for asynchronous communication is Slack. We have the following team channels:

As a team, we agree…

Measuring Success

As a team, we are working towards a goal and a vision. To measure the success of the team’s work, we agree to track the product, operational and team metrics to understand if we are focusing on the right things. These metrics should be reviewed monthly with the company stakeholders to view the team’s historical progress.

As a team, we agree to track the following metrics…

Team Metrics

Product Metrics

Operational Metrics

Cross-Team Initiatives

A recurrent challenge when collaborating with different teams is to align expectations and set processes for both teams to collaborate efficiently and reduce the waiting time for the other team dependencies. Defining a working agreement between teams can help mitigate this problem.

As a team, we agree …